New & Noteworthy
Please join us for the following social events. Details will be posted on the website and bulletin boards.
Ongoing events: January -March
Tuesday Shuffleeboard: Ken Caspall D250 & Paul Ferguson D150
Hotdog Night: Tai Boynton C348 & Penny Carpenter A204
Friday Morning Coffee: Debbie Crowe C340
Bingo: JoAnn Murray D366
Wednesday Card Night: Wayne Marquoit C146 & Al Cote D368
Bunco Monthly: Christina Fink B216
Line Dancing and Chair Stretch – Monday and Wednesday: Lynn
Biweekly Happy Hour: Christina Fink B216
One-time events:
January: Welcome Back party: Adrienne Lambert & Tai Boynton C348
February: Super Bowl party: Annette Decicco C234 & Chrisna Fink B216
Ballroom Dance Show: Lynn Gambone D454
March: St. Patrick’s Day party Phyllis Scoppa B322
March: Shuffeboard and End of Season party: Ken Caspall D250 & Paul Ferguson D150
Field Trip: Lynn Gambone D454
If you would like to help out with any events, please contact the organizer.
If you would like to organize an event, get your committee together and contact
the event co-ordinator Marg Ferguson D150 and Financial co-ordinator Linda Cote D368